In this alternative reality space travel exists in an end-of-the-nineteenth century setting. There are planets and moons all waiting to be settled and exploited, although the local inhabitants might kick up a fuss. Fortunately for the Earthling civilisers there is a range of highly useful ray-guns, created by Doctor Grordbort's, to convince the natives to behave themselves.
Foremost exponent of the benefits of the good Doctor's weaponry would be Lord Cockswain, recognised by all as the Earth's best human.
Each player takes on the role of one of the major Earth-based empires, which are Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia and the United States of America. The aim of the game is to gain influence over the planets and moons of the Solar System by building factories and digging mines.
Category: Strategy Games
Sub Category: Science Fiction
Ages: 13 - 99
Players: 2 - 5
Play Time: 90 - 120 minutes
More information about the game is available on the Treefrog Games website.
Please Note - this game is the LIMITED EDITION with wooden playing pieces.
The Universe of Dr Grordbort's
The fictional universe that (barely) contains Dr Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators is the brainchild of Weta Workshop Concept Designer Greg Broadmore. It all started as a series of drawings and acrylic paintings that Greg made. Richard Taylor and Greg conceived the idea to bring these fantastical weapons to the unsuspecting public and the first three Rayguns saw the light of day in 2007. Since then, Greg and Weta Workshop have released a cosmic cornucopia of books, artwork and rayguns both miniature and full-sized, to keep your interplanetary enemies at bay.