Snugly nestled in an unbearably dashing leather-embossed and satin-lined case, the world's first concealable ray pistol is at last upon us in complete and flawless glory.
Our much cherished pocket-size atomiser - the world's first concealable ray pistol and the fourth in Doctor Grordbrort's line of infallible aether oscillators - is now available for your fine and capable hands to clasp and fondle. With an edition size of a mere 400, this punchy little nipper is flying off the shelves like a cash-eating flying fish attacking your wallet - and those of you who have had the privilege of such a rare encounter will know what curious jollies are to be had there. You know who you are.
Designed by Greg Broadmore, the Victorious Mongoose 1902a displays nicely in its case. The display box is approximately 240mm W x 170mm D x 90mm H (9.5" x 6.5" x 3.5"). All sizes are approximate.
The Victorious Mongoose is very nice and while it may seem intended for the "mysterious sex," it is not in the least bit unmanly. Besides, miscreants will be too busy melting or running to notice and it's nice for those occasions - formal dinners or visits to dens of iniquity - when it would be so gauche to carry one of the larger weapons.
The Universe of Dr Grordbort's
The fictional universe that (barely) contains Dr Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators is the brainchild of Weta Workshop Concept Designer Greg Broadmore. It all started as a series of drawings and acrylic paintings that Greg made. Richard Taylor and Greg conceived the idea to bring these fantastical weapons to the unsuspecting public and the first three Rayguns saw the light of day in 2007. Since then, Greg and Weta Workshop have released a cosmic cornucopia of books, artwork and rayguns both miniature and full-sized, to keep your interplanetary enemies at bay.