Brother to Bombur and cousin to Bifur, Bofur claims no familial bond to Thorin Oakenshield, but his loyalty is nevertheless unshakeable. The gold that lies at the end of their quest is less important to him than the bond of honour and belief that he has in Thorin's cause.
An unrestrained tease, Bofur finds mirth in most circumstances, and his humour, while quick, is good natured and never cruel. He eagerly welcomes Bilbo Baggins into their number even while others harbour doubts about the Hobbit and his suitability to the quest.
Bofur watches over his brother and cousin and feels responsible for their welfare, swinging his mattock in their defence as enthusiastically and effectively as his wit.
Our authentic prop replicas and collectibles are designed by the very same artists who have worked on the three films, so effectively they come straight from Middle-earth.
Please note: images are of a pre-production prototype. Each statue is hand painted and minor variations will occur.
Weta Workshop’s high-quality Middle-earth collectibles are designed by the very same artists and technicians who work on our movies. It takes hundreds of hours to design, sculpt, model make, mold, and paint the prototype for each new piece. Whether it be a prop replica, beautiful environment or iconic character, we treat our collectibles with the same level of care and attention to detail that we bring to our film work.