


Limited Edition Lithograph by Jerry Vanderstelt

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From New Line Cinema, Peter Jackson and Warner Bros. comes J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, brought to the big screen in an epic trilogy. Weta Workshop was thrilled to return to Middle-earth once again, contributing design, specialty props and specialty costumes to all three films.

The Silvan Elf Tauriel captains King Thranduil’s guards in the Woodland Realm. A bright, spirited Elf with a passionate heart and strong convictions, Tauriel’s youthfulness bestows upon her an outlook less prejudiced by the wrongs of the past that darken her King’s thoughts.

This Tauriel Daughter of Mirkwood paper lithograph is by artist Jerry Vandersteltand comes signed by the artist with a Certificate of Authenticity.

There are people of extraordinary talent operating in today's world that have similar skills as the great masters of yesteryear. It just happens to be that the canvas that they paint on is the darkened screen of the cinemas of the world.

Richard Taylor - CEO & Co-founder, Weta Workshop

The Paper Lithograph is is printed on a Heidelberg press using 200 line screen for superior reproduction quality, finalized with an aqueous coating for a protective finish. Each paper lithograph is made with heavy 100 pound White Mccoy Silk paper. Outer paper dimensions measure 16 x 20 inches. Comes signed by the artist with Certificate of Authenticity.

"This is my absolute favourite piece that I have bought from Weta so far. The detail is amazing and so lifelike."

DarcyAlden - Weta Collector

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