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GKR: Heavy Hitters is a customizable tabletop game for 1-4 players, combining high-quality collectibles with dice-rolling, deck-building and tactical play. Pilot your Heavy Hitter (the biggest, baddest robot on the board) and a squad of three Support Units through the ruins of an old city, competing to either wipe your opponent off the map or reduce four skyscrapers to rubble!

From the miscreants at Weta Workshop and Cryptozoic comes Weta Workshop’s first tabletop game, set in the sports-crazy dystopian future of Giant Killer Robots.

Launched on Kickstarter in February 2017, the game reached its funding goal in just 4.5 hours and smashed records to become New Zealand's most successful Kickstarter ever!

The Robot Rumble starts now. Are you in?


GKR: Heavy Hitters is a customizable tabletop game for 1-4 players, combining high-quality collectibles with dice-rolling, deck-building and tactical play!  Pilot your Heavy Hitter (the biggest, baddest robot on the board) and a squad of three Support Units through the ruins of an old city, competing to either wipe your opponent off the map or reduce four skyscrapers to rubble!


  • A unique hex-based tabletop gameplay experience
  • High-quality robot collectibles designed by the artists of Weta Workshop
  • Over 300 cards featuring unique artwork
  • Five distinct phases of play
  • Two ways to win!

Strap in for the most epic smackdown this side of the megapocalypse. Gather your squad of Giant Killer Robots (GKRs), build your deck, and face your rivals in the ultimate fight for fame, fortune, and sweet salvage rights! Scheme, strategize and strong-arm your way to victory as you dominate the media landscape, one billboard at a time.

Spokesperson, GKR League


  • x4 Giant high-quality Heavy Hitter miniatures up to 139mm tall
  • x12 Highly detailed Support Units standing up to 47mm tall
  • x10 Buildings that break up the landscape and alter the way you play, every time
  • x317 Cards with unique artwork from Weta Workshop artists
  • x1 Unique hex-based tabletop gameboard
  • x8 Pilots with special skills + Achievements Board to track their progress
  • x4 Energy Tracker Tokens + x4 Dashboards
  • x80 Holo-board Tags
  • x2 Attack Dice
  • x8 Defense Dice
  • x1 Glory Hound Token


Recommended for 15+


60-90 minutes




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Note: Images shown are prototypes - final product may vary.


Adam Savage Checks Out Weta Workshop's "Giant Killer Robots"


For over 20 years, Weta Workshop has applied creativity and craftsmanship to blockbuster films and hit television series including The Hobbit trilogy, Mad Max: Fury Road, King Kong, Avatar, District 9, Elysium, Thunderbirds Are Go, and Ghost in the Shell. We’re also a producer of consumer products, a tourist destination, interactive studio in collaboration with Magic Leap, and creator of public sculptures and exhibitions.

Now, Weta Workshop is making its first foray into the exciting world of board games with GKR: Heavy Hitters!

To help bring the game to life, we’ve partnered with Matt Hyra and the Cryptozoic Entertainment team. As the R&D Lead Designer, Matt has more than 30 board and card game releases to his name, working with iconic properties such as DC Comics, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Naruto, Street Fighter, Cartoon Network, and many more. 


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